
Geschossen am: 25.10.2008 - 23:43 Uhr

Provenzalische Windmühle aus Frankreich ("Alphonse Daudet")

3 Kommentar(e)

buddyicon janodusudouest sagt...
hi k1rsch Please, could you say me where is this windmill? Not the genuine in France but, the windmill on this pic. In Germany ? Where ? Thanks Regards. janodusudouest

buddyicon David Kirsch sagt...
@janodusudouest please check the map function on the right side. i marked the exact location of this picture.

buddyicon janodusudouest sagt...
Thank you I'm beginner on flickr. I didn't see coordinates on the right. I'm discovering Gifhorn windmill museum on google hearth. Regards
